About Us

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As parents, inspired by the everyday lives of our children, we identified a lack of locally produced Arabic language content available for our children on-line and on existing TV channels.

We also see that our children are not receiving the right messages, nor learning anything about their own heritage and culture from the existing channels.

To that end, we decided to bridge that gap by creating fun, educational, and high-quality content in the Arabic language that would engage them with their Saudi culture and entertain them in the right way.

Thanks to our team of directors, writers, animators musicians and artists, we continue our mission to produce our content in the most creative and exciting ways and to become a leading brand in Children’s entertainment across the Arab World and beyond.

Leadership & Management

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Sara Ashemimry


Alanoud Alhujailan


Alya Alrefai

Stage Manager

Walid Sanchez

Creative Director

Ismail AlBanna

Admin Manager

Trusted by 10,000+ companies
around the world

Our Partners & Community​

We are proud to work with like minded partners



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